Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Todos Santos

We took a day trip to Todos Santos, by car. Todos Santos is on the Pacific side of Baha and only a one and a half hour drive from La Cruz.

It was Palm Sunday, and after all the people of the church received their Palms and an outdoor celebration, there was this short procession to the Cathedral. Very colorful.

The architecture here was very much like Santa Barbara (CA). Here is the local ice cream store.

Looking down Main Street

This entire wall and mural was done in tile.

Another example of the architecture.

Hotel California. Remember the song by the Eagles? This is it!

The lobby area.

Another lobby picture.

A view from our table as we had lunch at the Hotel California. These guys keep a close watch.
A walk on the beach close to town.And the sunset. The end of a great day.

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